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In the News: Nicole Racine, Psychology, in CBC News

How to support children's mental health during the coronavirus pandemic

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In the News: Keith Dobson, Psychology, in CTV News

Anxious about the coronavirus? Here are 5 tips from mental health experts

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In the News: John Ellard, Psychology, in CBC News

Coronavirus-driven stockpiling a natural but unnecessary urge, Calgary psych prof says

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In the News: Giesbrecht, G. F., Letourneau, N., Campbell, T., Hart, M., Thomas, J., & Tomfohr-Madsen, L. (2020 in Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics.

Parental Use of “Cry Out” in a Community Sample During the First Year of Infant Life

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In the News: Jeff Caird and Sarah M. Simmons, Psychology, in The Newswheel

Texting and Walking Puts Pedestrians at Risk

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In the News: Greg McDermid, Geography; Sheri Madigan, Psychology, in The Good Men Project

5 Ways Families Can Help Tackle Climate Change

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Impostor Syndrome as a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Issue

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Parenting in a time of physical distancing

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In the News: Larson, N., McLarnon, J. W., & O’Neill, T. A. (in press) in Journal of Applied Psychology.

Challenging the “Static” Quo: Trajectories of engagement in team processes toward a deadline

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