Jan. 14, 2022

What We Are Learning This Week with Dr. Jen Sidorova

Exploring Classical Realism
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January 17, 2022 in POLI 381 Introduction to International Relations

Dr. Jen Sidorova is exploring Classical Realism


Can you tell us a little more about this topic?

Classical Realism understands that human nature is inherently selfish, and states are prone to engage in conflicts with each other. States are the main actors in the international system and are concerned about their security as they want to survive in a hostile anarchic environment by any means.

J. Sidorova Headshot

What else do you cover in your course?

We will go through every major theory, including Realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Then we will also examine more critical approaches such as the English School, feminism, Marxism, poststructuralism and post-colonialism. In this course, we will also have three case studies that would help to understand how IR theories can be applied to political phenomena. For example, we will focus on Indigenous perceptions of the land and its connections with the language as part of a discussion about poststructuralism.

How did you come to develop this course?

I was aimed to incorporate my research into my teaching. I study knowledge coproduction, so I plan to use simulation games, case studies and classroom discussions to engage students in the process of co-creation of knowledge. I recently learned that students could understand the material better if they actively participate in the learning process by expressing their opinions or having first-hand experience participating in role-playing games in the classroom. Using role-playing simulation games such as social constructs and Prisoner’s Dilemma will enhance students’ ability to apply theoretical approaches to real-life situations.

Finally, what other courses would you recommend for students interested this topic?

I would recommend taking the Comparative Politics course, which focuses on domestic issues and concepts such as democracy, authoritarianism, environment, gender, and many other fascinating topics. Besides enhancing their knowledge on these issues, students would also learn to apply comparative approaches to their research.


Our Thanks to Dr. Jen Sidorova for sharing your course with us!