Recent PhD Theses
Here you will find the working dissertation titles of our doctoral candidates (i.e., ABDs) as well as our completed dissertations.
Saaka Sulemana Saaka
Gendering Cabinets in Africa: The Impact of Democratization and Post-conflict Politics (Supervisor: Dr. Susan Franceschet).
Comfort Kwarteng
"Explaining the success in reducing mother-to-child transmission of HIV: A comparative analysis of Ghana and Uganda". Supervisor: Susan Franceschet
Dakoda Trithara
"The Struggle over Online Speech: Policy Entrepreneurs' Contestation of Content Moderation Norms". Supervisor: Antonio Franceschet
Sara Winger
“The Logic of Violence Meets the Illogic of Response? Understanding the Linkages Between Forms of Violence and Logics of Response”. Supervisor: Maureen Hiebert
Completed Doctoral Dissertations, 2003–Present (By Convocation Date)
Benjamin Adu Gyamfi
“Public Policy Making and Policy Change: Ghana’s Local Governance, Education and Health Policies in Perspective”
Supervisors: Dr. Don Ray and Co-Supervisor Dr. Maureen Hiebert
Ryan Dean
“(De)Securitizing the Arctic? Functional actors and the shaping of Canadian Arctic security policy”
Supervisor: Dr. Rob Huebert
Ricardo Vernet
"Peasants, Movements, and Survival of Democracy in Haiti and Nicaragua"
Supervisor, Dr. Pablo Policzer
Julie Croskill
“’Be Professional, Private and Pleasant’: The Conscious and Unconscious Gendering of Campaign Messages in Canadian and Australian Local Elections”.
Supervisors: Dr. Brenda O’Neill and Dr. Susan Franceschet
Elizabeth Pando Burciaga
"Continuity or change? Immigration policy in Chile." Supervisor: Susan Franceschet
Evgeniia Sidorova
“Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Western science in the Arctic Council: Lip service?”
Andrew Basso
" 'All Four Seasons and I Will Die': A Typology of Displacement Atrocities." Supervisor: Dr. Maureen Hiebert
Mark Harding
“Clashing Constitutionalisms in the Bill-of-Rights Era: Strength, Reach and Rights Values”. Supervisor: Dr. Rainer Knopff; Co-Supervisor: Dr. Ted Morton
David Torre
“The Energy Frontier: Exploring the Future of Commercial Nuclear Power in Canada, Finland, and Germany”. Supervisor: Dr. James Keeley
Mariana Hipolito Ramos Mota
“From Delegation to Limits on Presidential Power: Brazil in Comparative Perspective”. Supervisor: Dr. Pablo Policzer
Tim Anderson,
“The Statesmanship of Sir John A. Macdonald and Louis Riel”. Supervisor: Dr. Tom Flanagan; Co-Supervisor: Dr. Anthony Sayers
Janine Giles
“The Gender Gap in Political Knowledge in Canada”.
Supervisor: Dr. Brenda O’Neill
Adam Cote
“Social Securitization Theory”. Supervisor: Dr. James Keeley
Katrine Beauregard
“Gender Gaps in Political Participation in a Cross-National Perspective: The Gendered Effects of Political Institutions”.
Supervisor: Dr. Brenda O’Neill
Dave Snow
“Failure to Reproduce: Assisted Reproductive Technology Policy in Canada”. Supervisor: Dr. Rainer Knopff
Paul Fairie
“Elite Strategy, Social Structure and Catholic-Protestant Cleavage in the Canadian Provinces”. Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Young
Michael Zekulin
“A Growing Disconnect: Can the Contemporary Terrorism Literature Explain Domestic Home-Grown Terrorism?”. Supervisor: Dr. Gavin Cameron
Daniel Fitzsimmons
“Tipping the Scales of Conflict: Defence Policy Decision-Making in the Canadian Federal Cabinet”. Supervisor: Dr. James Keeley
Alex McDougall
“The Politics of Protection and Extraction: An Examination of the Origin and Development of State Power in Latin America”. Supervisor: Dr. Steve Randall
Heather Exner
“The Arctic in International Affairs: Security in the Circumpolar Region”. Supervisor: Dr. Rob Huebert
Gamal Selim
“Egypt’s Democratic Transition and the Rise of Semi-Authoritarianism: The Interplay Between Structural and Agential Factors. Supervisor: Dr. Tareq Ismael
Andrew Banfield
“Legislative vs. Judicial Checks and Balances: Rights Policy in Canada and Australia”. Supervisor: Dr. Rainer Knopff
Scott Fitzsimmons
“The Art of Private Warfare: A Normative Theory of the Military Performance of Modern Mercenary Forces”. Supervisor: Dr. Rob Huebert
David Coletto
“A Matter of Quality? Candidates in Canadian Constituency Elections”. Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Young
Marco Navarro-Genie
“Longing for the Fifth Race: Esoteric Racialist Revolutionaries in Hispanic America, 1910–35”. Supervisor: Dr. Tom Flanagan
Jared Wesley
"Solving the Prairie Paradox: Codes and Party Politics in Alberta, SK. And MB”. Supervisor: Dr. Keith Archer
Mark Milke
“Limits on Deliberate Democracy in Canada: A Study of Political Culture and How Attitudes Towards the United States Shape Canadian Public Policy Debates”. Supervisor: Dr. Tom Flanagan
Kai Xu
“NGOs and Environmental Politics in China”. Supervisor: Dr. Ron Keith
Dennis Baker
“Not Quite Supreme: the Courts and Coordinate Constitutional Interpretation”. Supervisor: Dr. Rainer Knopff
Morgan Nyendu
“Enhancing the Participation of Traditional Authorities (Chiefs) in Ghana’s Democratic Decentralization Programme: A Case Study of the South Tongu District Assembly of the Volta Region”. Supervisor: Dr. Donald Ray
Tracey Raney
“The Rise of the ‘Civic’ Citizen: A Comparative Study of Political Identity in the EU and Canada”. Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Young
Kari Roberts
“Russia-U.S. Relations Under Yeltsin, 1992–1999”. Supervisor: Dr. Bohdan Harasymiw
Edward James Maher
“Regional Health Authorities and Federalism: Australia and Canada”. Supervisor: Dr. Roger Gibbons