Blades, bombs, bullets and ‘bots

Blades, bombs, bullets and ‘bots

Research cluster

Blades, bombs, bullets and ‘bots

The core issue of this cluster is built around the study of the use of deadly force in the international system. How do we understand the darker side of human behaviour? Why can we understand the use of violence in the world to achieve policy objectives? What are the means that are employed to achieve these objectives? How do we understand the effort to prevent and counteract terrorism, genocide, war?

Jean-Christophe Boucher

Ideology and foreign policy, civil-military relations, data and national defence, information warfare

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Gavin Cameron


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Barry Cooper

War and Interpretation

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Maureen Hiebert

Genocide, Atrocity Prevention, Law of Armed Conflict, Lethal Autonomous Weapons

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Rob Huebert

Strategic Studies, Arctic Security

Terry Terriff

Change in US Military, Changing Character of Warfare, US Security Policy, and NATO/Transatlantic Security Issues

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