Reporting discrimination or harassment

Instructions for Students

To report an instance of discrimination and/or harassment:

1) Decide if the situation is life-threatening or a critical incident.

If you feel that the event poses a threat to your life or the life of another, immediately call 911.

Even if the event is not life-threatening, it could still be a critical incident. While everyone experiences the world differently, and there is no single definition, critical incidents are unexpected and unusual events that are perceived by an individual as being threatening or traumatic. An example of a critical incident related to racism
is a threat of violence.

If the situation is determined to be a critical incident with safety concerns, call Campus Security: 403.220.5333. They will assist with identifying and addressing immediate safety concerns.

2) In all situations that are deemed NOT to be life-threatening or a critical incident

Students have four options available:

  1. ConfidenceLine: this is an independent, third-party service, arranged for by the University, that ensures student anonymity. ConfidenceLine can be reached 24/7 toll-free at 1-800-661-9675.
  2. Contact the University of Calgary’s Protected Disclosure Advisor at 403-220-4086 or by email at
  3. Make an appointment with the SCPA Peer Support Network at Trained Peer-Supporters can advise you about the available resources on campus.
  4. Report concerns to the SCPA Director or Associate Director. The Director of the SCPA is Bruce Barton ( and the Associate Director is Joelle Welling (

Please note, Faculty and Staff members are not professionally trained to respond to reports of discrimination or harassment and therefore have been asked to not engage in discussions with students about their concerns or complaints. The Director and Associate Director have received training to appropriately receive and act upon student complaints and concerns, and they can do so with the assurance of student confidentiality.