Why Creative and Performing Arts?
Our aim is to reimagine artistry for the 21st century through a careful balance of tradition and innovation. We explore both disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives on dance, drama and music. We engage with history and the contemporary world in order to become rigorously trained and intellectually agile.

University Theatre Services
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News and Announcements
Recruiting International Students in Couples
This research study is about the career development of international students and their partners as they transition to life in Canada.
Arts Inspire Grants Recipients
Congratulations to the Arts Inspire Grant recipients! These grants support research and creative projects across all Faculty of Arts units.
Meet the exemplary educators who are this year's Teaching Awards recipients
The 10th year of the University of Calgary Teaching Awards honours recipients for their excellent contributions to teaching and learning
In the media
In the News arch magazine
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI
In the News Melanie Kloetzel, SCPA, in CBC Homestretch
Dance Research Conference
In the News Marie France Forcier, SCPA, in CBC Radio-Canada
Quand les traumatismes psychologiques s'invitent dans la danse
In the News The Conversation Canada
The theatre we want in 2040? We used ‘strategic foresight’ to plan on the Prairies
In the News Rod T. Squance, SCPA (Music), in The Daily Courier
The skill and communication of musicians gives audience a thrill
In the News Christine Brubaker, SCPA, in Yahoo! News Canada
The theatre we want in 2040? We used 'strategic foresight' to plan on the Prairies

Chinese Diaspora in Spain: Introducing Qingtianese Heritage
Join Spanish graphic artist Quan Zhou Wu for a fascinating talk on the Qingtianese community – a group that makes up nearly 60% of the Chinese population in Spain.
March 24, 11 a.m.
Gallery Hall, Taylor Family Digital Library

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