FAQ for undergraduate students
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How do I get permission for a course that requires consent of the division?
Email the Undergraduate Program Administrator, with your name, ID# and reason for taking the course. The administrator will work with the Division Chair to approve and enter permission.
Can I add a music minor? How do I do it?
Yes, you can add a minor at any time in your program. You can add a minor in your student centre as a “Change of Program” between October and February. Applicable courses that you take before declaring a minor can be applied after the fact.
Where can I find more information about ensembles?
We have callboards in the hallways outside of CHD 100; all opportunities are posted there. See our ensembles page for an overview.
Can I overload into the class I want?
Overloads are possible, but the instructor and Division Chair must approve. Overloads cannot be processed if the enrolment capacity is the same as the physical room capacity. This is a central university policy due to fire code regulations. Please see the Undergraduate Program Administrator for more information.
If a course is full, can I still attend it?
No, if a course is full and at capacity, you cannot attend. This is a safety precaution and also there is no guarantee you will get credit for the work you have completed unless you are registered.
What if a course I need for graduation is not offered?
You should check in regularly with the Undergraduate Program Administrator or the Arts Student Centre to ensure that your degree is on track. Often courses are not offered in an academic year due to instructor availability or budget considerations. If the course is not available during the completion of your degree, the Undergraduate Program Administrator can work with you to find a replacement credit.