FAQ for undergrad Drama students
Find the answers to your questions
Can I add a drama minor? How do I do it?
Yes, you can add a minor at any time in your program. You can add a minor in your student centre as a "Change of Program" between October and February. Applicable courses that you take before declaring a minor can be applied after the fact.
Where can I find out more about auditions and performances?
View our upcoming performances on the events page.
We have dedicated call boards outside CHD 100 and CHE 004 with full information related to performance opportunities. You can also consult the undergraduate advisor, your professors or the division Chair.
Can I get credit for doing creative/production work?
Absolutely. Performance 'practicums' are available to gain academic credit for acting/technical/production work on a SCPA performance. Download the Drama Practicum Form from the "Resources" section below.