The image shows the head and upper body of a Scandinavian, middle aged, white, woman wearing a creamy, buttoned up silk shirt with a brown pattern and short, wavy, middle blond hair against a yellow background. Her face is shown in three quarter view, her blue eyes are squinting slightly, and she offers the viewer an emerging smile

Pil Hansen


Contact information


Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy Theatre Studies, University of Copenhagen, 2007


Dr. Pil Hansen is a professor of performing arts at the University of Calgary, founding editor of the Routledge book series Expanded Dramaturgy, associate editor of Frontiers in Psychology, Performance Science, convener of Performance Studies international's Dramaturgy and Performance working Group, founding member of Vertical City Performance, and a dance/inter-arts dramaturg with a background in arts management. She is also physically disabled.

Hansen's current artistic and empirical research focus is Dramaturgies of Accessibility in the Performing Arts. Working in interdisciplinary arts-science teams and with artistic community partners, she aims to understand and develop strength-based strategies for creating, performing, and teaching with other accessibility deserving artists. Recent and current projects attend to the practices of aging dancers, crip dance dramaturgs, D/deaf performers, and learners with ADHD, including the ethics of researching and applying strategies from such practices.

Hansen served as president of PSi from 2020-23; have dramaturged 30+ dance, theatre, and inter-arts works; and have authored/edited 50+ publications on dramaturgy, performing arts psychology, and research methodology. She authored the monograph Performance Generating Systems in Dance: Dramaturgy, Psychology, and Performativity (Intellect, 2022) and was primary editor of the books Performing the Remembered Present: The Cognition of Memory in Dance, Theatre and Music (Methuen, 2017) and Dance Dramaturgy: Modes of Agency, Awareness, and Engagement (Palgrave, 2015).


Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
DRAM 573 Dramaturgy Winter 2025
DRAM 643 Dramaturgy Winter 2025
SCPA 301 Performing Arts Management Spring 2023
MUSI 631 Res Tech and Bibl of Music Fall 2023
DRAM 605 Methods In Theatre Research Fall 2023