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How can performance help us engage with social justice issues?


In the News: John Knight, Sofia Huarte, Sebastian Rueda Montes, Stefan Lauritsen and Ethan Ross, SCPA, in Calgary Herald

Preview: University theatre immerses itself in acclaimed Afghan war story

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In the News: John Knight, Master's Student, Creative and Performing Arts, in Hanna Herald

Preview: University theatre immerses itself in acclaimed Afghan war story

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In the News: Alumna Carmen Braden, Allen Gordon Bell, Laurie Radford, SCPA, In CBC North

Yellowknife composer named Classical Composer of the Year at BreakOut West music festival

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In the News: Laura Hynes, SCPA, in Avenue Magazine Calgary

Key of T Explores How Testosterone Therapy Affects Your Voice

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In the News: Laura Hynes, SCPA, in the Gauntlet

Mysterious Barricades spreads awareness of mental health issues and suicide

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