Why Creative and Performing Arts?
Our aim is to reimagine artistry for the 21st century through a careful balance of tradition and innovation. We explore both disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives on dance, drama and music. We engage with history and the contemporary world in order to become rigorously trained and intellectually agile.

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News and Announcements
First full course in Indigenous dance forms at UCalgary makes Canadian history
Champion hoop dancer and award-winning educator brings embodied and land-based knowledge to UCalgary students
Dr. Penelope Farfan Elected to IFTR Executive Committee
School of Creative and Performing Arts professor joins the leadership of the world’s leading Theatre Studies organization
Bridging Dance and Ecology
SCPA Professor explores dance and ecology in Paris research trip
Remarkable documentary on return of buffalo to Banff National Park makes Calgary International Film Festival debut
Iniskim: Return of the Buffalo, co-directed by UCalgary arts prof Peter Balkwill, blends art, culture, conservation and reconciling narratives
Beakerhead is back! Calgary’s brain-busting science spectacle is bigger and STEAM-ier than ever
Join us for an exciting exploration of STEAM research and innovation at TELUS Spark, Sept. 20-22
Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation 2024 Emerging Artist Recipient – Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, BA’07
School of Creative and Performing Arts dance alum Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, BA’07, honoured as the 2024 Emerging Artist Recipient (Dance)
In the media
In the News arch magazine
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI
In the News Melanie Kloetzel, SCPA, in CBC Homestretch
Dance Research Conference
In the News Marie France Forcier, SCPA, in CBC Radio-Canada
Quand les traumatismes psychologiques s'invitent dans la danse
In the News The Conversation Canada
The theatre we want in 2040? We used ‘strategic foresight’ to plan on the Prairies
In the News Rod T. Squance, SCPA (Music), in The Daily Courier
The skill and communication of musicians gives audience a thrill
In the News Christine Brubaker, SCPA, in Yahoo! News Canada
The theatre we want in 2040? We used 'strategic foresight' to plan on the Prairies

Confluence of Transnational Buddhism and Buddhist Studies
Learn Leslie Kawamura’s role in fostering transnational networks and navigating global currents in Buddhism and its study.
Feb. 27, 3 p.m.
Social Science 527

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