Theatre rental rates
Rates effective Sept. 1, 2024. All rates are GST applicable.
Note: Our facilities do not rent by the hour.
Rates effective Sept. 1, 2024. All rates are GST applicable.
Note: Our facilities do not rent by the hour.
Single performance (per day): $1,575.00
Double performance (per day): $2,362.50
Competition (per day): $1680.00
Rehearsal only (per day): $787.50
Single performance (per day): $1,575.00
Double performance (per day): $2,362.50
Competition (per day): $1680.00
Rehearsal only (per day): $787.50
Single performance (per day): $545.00
Double performance (per day): $817.50
Rehearsal only (per day): $272.50
$46.50 per hour (first 7 hours)
$69.75 per hour (after 7 hours and stat holidays)
$28.75 per hour (first 7 hours)
$43.15 per hour (after 7 hours and stat holidays)
$24.50–$28.75 per hour (first 7 hours)
$36.75–$43.15 per hour (after 7 hours and stat holidays)