Here to help

Want to submit a story idea or get your research in the media? Need help with websites, social media, or advertising? Faculty of Arts Communications and Marketing is here to assist!

Media inquiry?

Digital communications request

For website revision or social media assistance, submit our digital request form.

For marketo assistance or approval, email

How can we help you?

Answers to frequently asked questions.

The Faculty of Arts is pleased to profile the work done by our faculty, students, alumni and staff through various UCalgary communications channels. 

Fill out the news submission form to let us know about new research, achievements, awards and innovative ways you are sharing your expertise.

Our team can provide tools and guidance for marketing events that have a focus on broad participation by audiences across the faculty, university and external to the university. 

The team does not manage event coordination for the faculty.

  1. Have an event to promote and need to create a poster or graphic?

  2. Want your event on your department's event listings, Faculty listings, Arts Engage or UToday?

    • Contact your unit’s website administrator and ask them to post the event to LiveWhale and share it with the Faculty of Arts, Arts Engage, and UCalgary News and Events calendar groups.
    • This will allow your event listing to feed onto events listing pages be included in our bi-weekly Arts Engage newsletter and the UToday event listings.
    • Your unit's administrative assistant is the web admin for your unit. You can find them on the contact page of your website.
    • If your event has an equity, diversity, and inclusion focus, be sure to have the administrator share it to Arts Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as well.
  3. Want to promote your event on social media?

    Our form helps you give us all the pertinent information we need to promote your event.

  4. When should I use an event intake form?

    Submit an event intake form to the Arts Communications and Marketing team when your event includes/requires:

    • Help with social media planning
    • Media relations (pitching a news release to external news media)
    • A story in internal communications channels such as Arts Engage or UToday
    • Government stakeholders or other VIPs
    • Marketing collateral over and above Marketo invitations (ie: print or digital marketing collateral)

The University’s Advancement Marketing team is the central resource on campus for creative solutions, providing an efficient, cost-effective way for faculty and staff to create materials that are compelling, engaging and aligned with the UCalgary brand. You can submit a Creative Studio request to them.

Or, one of the ready-made Faculty of Arts Spark templates or University of Calgary brand templates.

  1. Need a logo for your unit?

    Write to »

  2. Want to understand how to use University, Faculty or Department logos?

    Explore the Brand Standards Overview, which explains how to use logos, wordmarks and lockups.

  3. Are you promoting an event where your unit is one of multiple campus entities?

    Use the UCalgary logo, rather than several different department or unit lockups.

  4. Need help developing and designing marketing materials?

    Contact Creative Solutions »

  5. Looking for a specific image of campus?

    Contact Nikki Reimer »

  6. Need to design your own images for promotional purposes?

    Take a look at common formats »

New to Drupal? Book a training or support session with our web specialist.

  1. I want to create a website for myself or my unit

    Submit a digital communications request »

  2. I need to modify my website

    For Faculty of Arts Schools, Departments, Centres and Institutes sites

    Please reach out to your unit’s administrative assistant to request website modifications.

    For research group, lab, or personal research sites

    Submit a ticket. This puts your request in the service queue and ensures that it reaches the correct person. Select:


  3. I want to build my own website and have it hosted on UCalgary servers

    Please note that except under exceptional circumstances, externally-built websites are not able to be hosted or supported by UCalgary Information Technologies. Please contact Nikki Reimer prior to proceeding with a website build.

  4. I want to create a website for my student group, club or team

    • Undergraduate students groups, clubs or teams who are sanctioned by the Student's Union can create a website on Club Hub.
    • We do not provide space for graduate clubs or clubs who are not SU-sanctioned.
  5. I have a website emergency

    Try these basic troubleshooting tips first >

    A website emergency includes:

    • My site is down > Enter an IT ticket
    • The network servers are down > Enter an IT ticket
    • I can’t log in to my site > The login path is always the root domain and /user. For example, for the site. If you're still having problems, submit an IT ticket.
    • I’m having trouble posting something that needs to be live right now due to a date or time dependency (i.e., deadline change, event cancellation or change). > Contact Nikki Reimer
  6. I don't know who the web person is for my department or school

    Your unit's administrative assistant is the web admin for your unit. You can find them on the contact page of your website.

  7. I need to update my UCalgary profile

    Learn how to access, populate and edit your profile.

  1. Want to start a social media account for your unit?

    Please contact Nikki Reimer prior to creating any new accounts. The guiding principle for social media activities at the University of Calgary is to look for an existing channel for your content before attempting to create a new one. We have a number of existing channels within the Faculty of Arts that may be the right place for your message.

  2. Want to grow your social media presence or build a social campaign?

    Contact Nikki Reimer »

    You can also review the university's web and social media standards.

  3. Want to see which units in Arts are active on social?

    Take a peek at our social directory »

  4. Want to suggest content for the Faculty's social accounts?

    Fill out our form »

  5. Don't know who runs the social accounts in your area?

    Your unit's administrative assistant is the social media admin for your unit. You can find them on the contact page of your website.

Marion Garden

Director, Communications and Marketing

Get help with:

  • strategic communications advice and planning for major initiatives
  • guidance on institutional brand and identity including processes for creating marketing materials for academic programs, engagement events and other initiatives
  • guidance on issues management or crisis communications

Nikki Reimer

Senior Digital Specialist

Get help with:

  • Strategic guidance on department or unit websites, including:
    • Guidance on creating or adding new properties, and using digital technologies including audio and video
    • Guidance on UX (user experience), content creation and design, writing and editing for web
    • Guidance on creating or maintaining a new social media channel
  • Onboarding and training information for Drupal (web content management, news), Marketo (digital newsletters and invitations) and LiveWhale (online event listings)

Satoko (Tokie) Onoda

Communications and Marketing Specialist

Get help with:

  • social media promotion of Faculty of Arts research, initiatives and news
  • Arts Engage newsletter research, initiatives and news
  • Faculty of Arts event promotions
  • writing and editing stories and content for Arts Engage, UToday, Faculty of Arts website

Tim Lee

Faculty of Arts Videographer

Get help with:

  • strategic visual communication
  • developing meaningful visual stories about the Faculty of Arts community

Alexandra Bryan

Calgary Distinguished Writers Program and Events Specialist

Get help with:

  • booking the Writer-in-residence for events, public talks or readings
  • booking consultations with the Writer-in-Residence
  • general Calgary Distinguished Writers Program inquires

Yuanzhe (Rock) Wang

Digital Advisor

Get help with:

  • Website content updates
  • Provide technical support and assist with troubleshooting
  • Assess and report making for website traffic and SEO
  • Offer training on basic website editing

Web support virtual office hour
Thursday, 1:00 - 4:30 PM

Sara Montajab

Student Web Coordinator