An energetically crowded scene in Science Theatres as students move about between classes

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The Faculty of Arts is home to highly motivated educators, researchers and students who have the critical and technical skills, as well as the creative knowledge and spirit, to make sense of our rapidly changing and increasingly globalized world.

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Our graduate students are critical thinkers who engage globally. They are bold leaders, innovators, and creative practitioners.
Whatever your field of study, UCalgary Arts has the program for you.

Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey

Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey

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Leading research

We are one of the most multidisciplinary academic communities on campus. From neuroscience through ancient languages to choreography and music and drama composition. Our researchers and students lead critical and creative research inquiries. We engage communities and foster innovation, leadership and creative practice. Explore some of the latest research from the Faculty of Arts.

Charlene Elliott sits behind a row of colourful boxes of gluten-free food aimed at children

New study shatters myth that gluten-free children's products are nutritionally superior

Charlene Elliott, Canada Research Chair in Food Marketing, Policy and Children's Health, has authored a study in the journal Pediatrics which calls into question the "health halo" reputation of gluten-free supermarket products aimed at children.

Dr. Keith Yeates smiles while standing outside

New guideline on children's concussions could influence clinical practice around the world

A newly published guideline on the diagnosis and management of mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) in children is expected to influence the clinical care of concussions around the world, says the lead of the University of Calgary’s Integrated Concussion Research Program, Dr. Keith Yeates, PhD. 

Calgary c-train

Join an environment of excellence

Why UCalgary? Our commitment to research and student success, our campus amenities and our community culture create the perfect setting for ambitious graduate students.