Sept. 22, 2020
Academic integrity in online learning

Here are some tips to help make sure you (and the coursework you complete) maintain academic integrit.
Be clear about the expectations of the course and each assessment.
Familiarize yourself with the requirements of the course and ask your instructor for clarification if anything is unclear. Make sure to find out if you’re allowed to refer to course materials or online information when completing assessments like quizzes or exams
Collaborating with peers.
Working with other students can be really helpful, but there are situations where collaborating with peers isn’t allowed. In the case of assignments, don’t be tempted to share your work or your answers. If you’re not sure what the best way is to work with others in an online class, contact the instructor or TA for details.
Always include references.
It’s important to acknowledge the work of others, even when you’re working in the online environment. Whether it’s in a paper or online discussion, make sure to cite any idea that isn’t your own.
Get to know the resources available to you.
The Student Success Centre (SSC) can help answer questions about maintaining academic integrity and has a range of resources to help you navigate the online learning environment. There’s also a student handbook that covers a range of topics around academic integrity including your responsibilities as a student, the different types of academic misconduct and how to get help.
The SSC also runs workshops about academic integrity, including:
Learn more at or by contacting the academic integrity programs coordinator at