Sept. 21, 2016
Director's report PRS Conference
Educators and researchers from across Alberta participated in a very successful and the first of its kind, Partner Research School's Conference held in Calgary, August 17-19, 2016, co-sponsored by the Werklund School of Education, Alberta Education, College of Alberta School Superintendents and Calgary Regional Consortium.
A keynote address by Dr. Dennis Sumara, Dean of Werklund School of Education, began this historical event as he talked about “Making Someday Possible: Why Alberta Can Lead the World in Education Reform”. Sumara challenged us to think about curriculum and how Alberta can lead the world in education in several ways such as to “build on our history of collaboration and inclusion, make evidence based decisions and focus on building capacity of teachers, leaders”.
Deputy Minister Curtis Clarke, who brought greetings on behalf of Alberta Education, strongly endorsed the importance of research and partnerships in education and following his comments, a panel of dynamic educators including Greg Bass, Naomi Johnson, Del Litke, and Paulette Hanna provided conference delegates with much food for thought on the direction of education in the 21st century and their own journeys in the school systems and as former doctoral students.
The day was full with sessions that included collaborative research projects with faculty and representatives of schools jurisdictions on topics such as: pre-service teachers, assessment, robotics and engaging the disengaged to name just a few. These exciting research initiatives will impact the students in schools and support their future learning.
The culminating event of the first day was a presentation by Sheldon Kennedy and Gary Strother and they discussed “Social and Economic Impacts of Using an Integrated Model to Address Child Abuse”. This powerful session provided an understanding of the importance of the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre and the unique features of the Centre’s integrated model of practice.
For delegates who were fortunate to take part in the optional activity day, they had tours of the Calgary Zoo, Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre and an afternoon of golf!
Cynthia Prasow
Director, Partner Research Schools