Aug. 26, 2022
Enrica Dall’Ara named new associate dean of planning + landscape

The School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) is pleased to announce that Dr. Enrica Dall’Ara, PhD, has assumed a five-year term as associate dean (planning + landscape architecture) effective July 1, 2022, after serving the past year as interim associate dean.
Dall’Ara, an associate professor of landscape architecture, “has been a valued member of our school since joining in 2016,” says SAPL Dean John Brown.
Prior to joining SAPL, Dall’Ara taught at the University of Bologna. She continues to run P’ARC, an Italian landscape architecture studio with an emphasis on urban renewal, public space design and industrial site landscape rehabilitation.
Most recently, Dall’Ara contributed an invited chapter about her work and approach to design in Italie: Viaggio nelle trasformazioni paesaggistiche del Bel Paese. [Italy: Journey into the landscape transformations of the Bel Paese] edited by Bianca Maria Rinaldi (Publisher Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy).
She also has a SSHRC-funded research project titled "Landscape in Motion" that pairs an artistic and phenomenological sensibility with in-depth landscape analysis. This research, co-authored with UCalgary professor Melanie Kloetzel, site choreographer (School of Creative and Performing Arts), intends to transform design approaches employed in urban renewal projects using spatial data and experiential activities to develop specific creative outputs.