July 24, 2019
New policy for Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and Information

Legal Services has posted a new Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and Information policy effective on July 23, 2019. It applies to all uses and users of electronic resources and replaces three previous policies for greater clarity and understanding respecting the appropriate use of electronic resources and information assets. For the most part, it does not create additional obligations or responsibilities.
Summary of some notable provisions:
- Electronic resources are to be used primarily for university-related purposes and activities. The policy does recognize that some personal use may occur on a limited and occasional basis provided it does not interfere with work performance, unduly impact operations, burden the university with incremental costs or compromise the work or reputation of the university.
- Individuals should never consider their use of electronic resources to be completely private since the content of individuals’ electronic accounts and communications may be viewed by the university in limited circumstances if authorized by General Counsel.
- Employees may only access, collect, use, alter, create or disclose personal information for a purpose related to their employment and, if required by their managers, they must attend privacy training and sign an oath of confidentiality prior to accessing personal information.
- Using electronic resources, personal information or information assets inappropriately, exposes the university to a number of security, privacy and other risks and accordingly, certain activities are prohibited such as attempting to circumvent security measures or gain unauthorized access to files, intentionally introducing malicious code or computer “viruses”, distributing commercial or advertising material (unless related to the individual’s university responsibilities), interfering with rights of other users or depriving them of the ability to use electronic resources.
In addition, individuals are reminded that phishing scams are common and they should be cautious about.opening suspicious links on emails.
- It is important that anyone who uses electronic resources, personal information or information assets at UCalgary reads and understands this policy and is aware of their responsibilities regarding the appropriate use of electronic resources and information. Read the policy
- FOIP Privacy Training: Learn more
- Information Technologies: Learn more
Please take the time to review this policy to ensure you are familiar with all applicable rules governing the acceptable use of electronic resources and information at the University of Calgary.

The new policy applies to all uses and users of electronic resources at the university.