Oct. 10, 2019
Progress towards gender equity on campus

The University of Calgary and the University of Calgary Faculty Association (TUCFA) recently concluded a joint gender equity salary review.
The university and TUCFA have jointly undertaken two gender salary reviews in the last 10 years. The most recent review was conducted over the past year and shows a salary disparity between male and female academics that exists independent of rank, experience, and department. Following the completion of the review, the decision has been made that all Continuing, Contingent, and Limited Term female academic staff members (other than clinical academic staff in the Cumming School of Medicine and academic staff based in Qatar) will receive an increase of $1,398 to their base pay retroactive to July 1, 2019. These academic staff members can expect to be contacted soon with further details. A separate pay study focusing on clinical academic staff in the Cumming School of Medicine will be initiated in the near future.
Gender equity in academic salaries has been a long-standing issue in Canada. The university and TUCFA are pleased to take action on this important issue. Given the university’s enhanced focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), the university and TUCFA have committed to examine systemic pay equity issues more frequently in the future.