Arts Inspire Grants
Arts Inspire Grants are designed to support research and research creation activities across all units in the Faculty of Arts. We invite applications for projects that intend to complete a major output, such as a book, film, exhibition, performance, recording. Budget requests can include subventions, open access fees, research assistantship expenses, among others. Awards are up to $15,000.
The Faculty of Arts encourages applications that reflect the diversity of its research, scholarship, and creative enterprise, and it encourages applicants from equity-deserving groups, including women, racialized persons, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ2S+ communities.
Application deadline: March 17, 2025.
Grant conditions:
- If you currently hold a tri-agency research (event grants are excluded) funding you can apply for Arts support only in the final year of your tri-agency grant.
- 12-month award
- Recipients of previous Arts grants who have not filed an end-of-grant report will not be eligible to receive funding.
Eligible expenses include:
- All tri-agency eligible expenses
- Honoraria for external/community speakers/experts (non-academic)
- Consultation time (community, organization partner)
- Professional fees
- Knowledge engagement activities that cannot be funded through a SSHRC Connection grant and which aim to:
- Strengthen existing or explore new relationships or partnerships with, e.g., local communities, schools, local agencies, or cultural, creative and heritage sectors.
- Early-stage projects that mutually identify research needs of communities and think about ways to move forward together.
- Realize new knowledge that arises in community-engaged “knowledge-to-action” projects.
- Plan community-based activities to facilitate engagement with people or organisations beyond academia (early-stage engagement, developing a shared space, etc.).
- Design new formats/platforms/media for knowledge engagement activities (e.g., social media campaigns).
- Develop tools and solutions to improve partnership.
Reporting requirements:
- A final report on activities and outputs, as well as future plans is due in the final month of the grant (no longer than 2 pages).
- Subsequent applications will be ineligible without a final report for the previous award.
Preview application form | PDF
Preview assessment rubric | PDF
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