July 10, 2023
2024 University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants call for proposals

I am pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants program. This initiative highlights the university’s commitment to enhancing student learning by supporting research that informs scholarly and culturally relevant teaching and learning practices, and by supporting the development of educational leadership capacity across campus.
The University of Calgary is home to an incredible community of researchers whose innovative teaching and learning research explores and develops new knowledge about post-secondary teaching and student learning. Their research examines key trends and issues in higher education, multiple ways of knowing and being, and informs teaching and learning cultures, communities, and practices across multiple organizational levels.
This year, I am happy to share the launch of the Educational Leadership Grants stream — a new funding category aimed at helping recipients to develop their educational leadership capacity. Fundable projects may include a range of contexts and activities, both in and outside of the classroom, that support the development of teaching and learning practice within and across units.
Also new this year is a $5,000 Emerging Scholar Supplement for recipients who engage an academic staff member, support staff member, or postdoctoral scholar in the project who has not previously participated in a successful University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grant application. The supplement will be available to recipients in all grant categories.
We invite applications from academic staff, student service professionals, and administrative staff. Applications are due Jan. 15, 2024.
About the program
The Teaching and Learning Grants program supports the development, implementation, critical examination and dissemination of innovative approaches to teaching and learning. Read more about the program details.
We support different types of projects through three grant streams:
Development and Innovation: This grant stream supports projects that develop a new teaching approach or improve upon an existing teaching practice. The scope may vary from individual activities to entire programs, such as the creation of a new resource, the implementation of a new practice, or the (re)design of activities, courses or programs.
Development and Innovation Grants last two years and can be individual or collaborative. Recipients will share their work with relevant campus audiences to benefit the practice and understanding of others. Funding amounts can be up to $10,000.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: These grants support formal, evidence-based studies focused on better understanding or improving student learning. Recipients will draw on their discipline-based expertise to develop a scholarly project anchored by meaningful questions about student learning and the activities intended to facilitate that learning.
SoTL projects are designed to answer those questions by making relevant student learning visible and then meaningfully analyzing and disseminating the findings. They can be individual or collaborative and are three years in duration. Individual projects can receive up to $20,000 and collaborative projects can receive up to $40,000.
Educational Leadership Grants: This stream is intended to support the development of educational leadership capacity through the implementation of strategic teaching and learning initiatives that include the development of professional learning opportunities. In addition, fundable projects may involve a range of contexts and activities, not just those that occur in the classroom. This stream awards up to $40,000 over four years to successful applicants.
Dr. Penny Werthner
Interim Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
About the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
The Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning is dedicated to better understanding and improving student learning at the University of Calgary. Its mission is to strengthen teaching and learning communities, cultures and practices to create extraordinary learning experiences.