Feb. 10, 2021
Making the most of term break

With the term break coming up, you might be planning to catch up or just relax during your time off. We'd like to encourage you to also make sure to take some time to check in with your physical and mental well-being. Reflecting on what works for you and making a plan for the rest of the semester can make all the difference in finishing strong.
When you're making a plan for the rest of the semester, be sure to include academics, social connections, and mental and physical health considerations too.
Academic success
The Student Success Centre and the Student Wellness Centre have teamed up to create a term break resource page. You can find cross-campus events related to academics and wellness, learn how to reflect on what’s working well for you this semester, check in with a writing expert or a peer listener, learn about self-care workshops, and make a plan for the months ahead.
Mental health
If you're feeling overwhelmed or need to talk to someone, contact the mental health services team at Student Wellness Services. They continue to provide support, one-on-one guidance, and referrals to other resources.
Student support advisors can help you if you need help accessing resources, and peer helpers are available for online listening. If you're looking for social connections, the Wellness and Health Awareness Team are also organizing virtual events.
Physical health
Need more support when it comes to staying motivated, keeping active, or getting enough sleep? You should make a brief action planning appointment. These 15 minute, one-on-one appointments with a member of the Health Promotion team can help you get on track.