Academic advising
Course selections should be appropriate to your degree program requirements. As an Arts student, at least half of your courses each year should be in the Faculty of Arts.
Course selections should be appropriate to your degree program requirements. As an Arts student, at least half of your courses each year should be in the Faculty of Arts.
You can speak to an academic advisor about course planning, course selection, registration, program progression and more.
The University of Calgary academic calendar is the school's definitive source of information for current students.
You'll need to enroll in the courses that fulfill your degree requirements. The AR tool will help you visualize and plan.
Are you an undecided student first declaring your degree program? Learn more about exploratory advising.
Or do you want to change any component of your program?
Plan your schedule - see How to Register »
Change your registration - see How to Use your Student Centre »
Please be aware of deadlines and remember to get advice from a program advisor first! They'll help you make the best decision. Contact us »
Decided to withdraw? Learn what it means to your academic record »
Do you want to take courses at another institution? Learn how
There are many ways you can include international experience within your program. Find out how you can discover the world as part of your Arts education.
Enrich your degree with an embedded certificate
Ever wonder why Canada gets named one of the best places in the world to live? Build a better understanding of the country. Learn and share with the world the elements that make Canada unique and special.
If you complete 18 units from the Field of Creative Writing, you are eligible to earn an Embedded Certificate.
Start Something New in Geographic Information Science (GIS). Use technology to solve a wide range of real-world issues and learn from international leaders.
Start something extraordinary with the interdisciplinary study of Latin America. Develop a nuanced understanding of Latin American countries, cultures, politics, and societies.
Become a mental health champion, build positive skills and resilience and help us create a community of caring, all while earning your degree.
Develop values, habits, and practices that foster responsible global citizenship.
Develop your skills and explore your interests as a sustainability leader.
Are you passionate about the Chinese language? Interested in pursuing language teaching as a career pathway? Want a competitive edge after you graduate?
Every year, at the end of the winter semester, the academic performance of students registered in the Faculty will be reviewed if they have completed at least 18 units at the University of Calgary since their previous review. Students who have completed less than 18 units since the previous review will retain their existing standing until the subsequent review.
To be in good standing, students much achieve a GPA of 2.00 or higher on all courses taken since their last review.
Those previously in good standing whose GPA in the review year is less than 2.00, but above 1.70, will be placed on probation.
Those already on probation who clear 2.00 at the annual review also clear their probation.
Those already on probation who fail to clear 2.00 at the annual review will normally be required to withdraw from the Faculty.
All students whose GPA in the annual review is below 1.70 will normally be required to withdraw from the Faculty, regardless of their previous standing.
The Academic Turnaround Program (ATP) provides students facing their first Required to Withdraw ruling the opportunity to continue their studies. Eligible students will receive a written invitation to participate from the Associate Dean or designate. This letter will specify a deadline by which the student must initiate participation in ATP or the student will be required to withdraw. Students approved for ATP may continue their studies on probation provided that they fulfill all requirements and are compliant with all conditions of the program.
Integrity means adhering to your values in all circumstances. When we talk about academic integrity, we mean that the values and ideas that inform our decisions in other parts of our lives, such as honesty and respect for others and ourselves, also inform our academic work and our life at the university. Strive to be as honest in your academic work as you are with your family and friends, your colleagues and co-workers.
Forms that academic dishonesty can take are cheating on exams, plagiarizing assignments (either in whole or in part), or lying in order to obtain an advantage in your course work. The University of Calgary Academic Misconduct Policy lists various forms of academic dishonesty along with their definitions
Because of the importance of academic integrity, severe penalties are imposed for intellectual dishonesty that range from a failing grade on an assignment or in a course to disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion from the University. The range of penalties for academic misconduct is set out in the University of Calgary’s Academic Misconduct Policy.
As a student, it is your responsibility to ensure that all submissions of your work meet the standards of intellectual honesty. Attend a seminar at the Student Success Centre to learn how to cite sources or how to conduct yourself in collaborative projects. Give yourself plenty of time to complete your assignments and consult your instructor if you have any questions or concerns PRIOR to submitting your work.
Maintain your integrity. Be honest. Learn well.
Confirm with an Arts Students' Centre program advisor that you are in fact clear to graduate. This should be done after you have registered in your final courses.
Ensure that all transcripts for Letter of Permission courses are received by the admissions office. This will need to be done as soon as you have completed your transfer course if you wish to use the course for program requirements.
This most crucial step is completed through your Student Centre and needs to be done prior to the stated deadline. Deadlines can be found:
Ask us about degree programs, graduation and more.
Office information:
Office location: Social Sciences 102
618 Campus Place NW
Phone number: 403.220.3580
Interested in grad studies? Talk to a graduate program advisor through the Arts Graduate Students' Centre.
***In order to comply with University of Calgary policy, all correspondence must be sent via your account
The arts advisors will be available through a combination of in-person and phone drop-ins, in-person and virtual appointments, as well as email, when our regular schedule resumes April 7th. See below for our continuing student registration schedule (March 28-April 4).
Virtual: 9am to 12pm: Monday-Thursday
In-Person: 9am to 12pm: Monday-Thursday
Book an appointment with an advisor through Elevate. Appointments will resume April 7 after continuing student registration.
ln-Person (Social Sciences 102): 1pm to 4pm: Monday-Friday; 10am to 12pm: Friday
Phones 403.220.3580: 1pm to 4pm: Monday-Friday; 10am to 12pm: Friday
For general questions, you have the option of emailing, dropping in to Social Sciences 102, or using our virtual front desk.
An ASC staff member will be available to answer your question via the chat function or by video.
Friday, March 28 and the week of March 31-April 4: Phone Advising Only 9-11:30am and 1-3:30pm
Phone advising: 403.220.3850
Long wait times are expected on the phones. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered.
Email is also available at