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In the News: Alex Bierman, Sociology, in Salon

Workers in the gig economy feel lonely and powerless

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In the News: Alex Bierman, Sociology, in Ontario Morning

Loneliness among those who are employed in the so-called 'gig' economy

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In the News: Alex Bierman, Sociology, in CBC Listen

Is the gig economy lowering the moral of temporary workers

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In the News: Aritha van Herk, English, and Trevor Tombe, Economics, in The Guardian

Wexit: Alberta's frustration fuels push for independence from Canada

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In the News: CNN Health

Explosive growth in screen use by toddlers, studies say

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In the News: Alex Bierman, Sociology, in

Workers in the gig economy feel lonely and powerless

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In the News: Sheri Madigan and Nicole Racine, Psychology, in The National Interest

Child Advocates Push for New Screening Projects

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In the News: Alex Bierman, Sociology, in Market Screener

Uber Technologies : Workers in the gig economy feel lonely and powerless

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In the News: Sheri Madigan and Nicole Racine, Psychology, in

How universal childhood trauma screenings could backfire

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