Faculty of Arts News

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In the News: Jack Lucas, Political Science, in The Toronto Star

Polls showed she had a chance to defeat a sitting councillor in the last election. Then Toronto’s mayor stepped in

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In the News: Linda Carlson, Psychology, in Global News

Virtually painless: How some Canadian surgeons are using VR to manage patient pain

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In the News: Rebecca Sullivan, English, in City News

Alberta essay contest winner slammed for discriminatory gender, race views

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In the News: Melanie Noel, Psychology, in The Province

New Canadian study aims to help kids beat COVID-19 vaccine needle fear

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In the News: Anthony Sayers, Political Science, in St. Albert Gazette

Quarterly financial reports show UCP support slowing locally

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in Ontario Farmer

Canadians are losing confidence in Bank of Canada; Many people say they aren't confident the bank will be able to stem inflation

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In the News: Melanie Noel, Psychology, in Calgary Sun

Taking the sting out of the jab; New U of C study to help kids beat COVID-19 vaccine needle fear

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In the News: Timothy Choi, Doctoral student, Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, in The National Post

With resources stretched, Canadian navy warships out of NATO forces for first time since 2014

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