Faculty of Arts News

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In the News: Jim Ellis, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, in The Scene

The Calgary Atlas Project: Remapping Calgary

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In the News: Kent Fellows, Economics, in Player FM

Why are we seeing high gas prices?

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In the News: Blake Shaffer, Economics, in CBC News

Alberta's regulated rate option expected to soar next month — to its highest level in history

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In the News: Rebecca Sullivan, English, in Global News

Barbie’s journey from the doll box to the box office

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In the News: Gregory Taylor, Communication, Media and Film, in CBC News

Your questions about Meta and other social media giants blocking news in Canada, explained

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In the News: Robert Huebert, Political Science, in CBC News

NATO's latest moves could bottle up much of Russia's naval power

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In the News: Alexander Hill, History, in The Conversation

There are civilian casualties on both sides of the front lines in the war in Ukraine

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