Faculty of Arts News

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In the News: Pratim Sengupta, Pallavi Banerjee and Yahya El-Lahib writing in The Conversation Canada

Student protests: How the university perpetuates colonial violence on campus

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In the News: Tricia Stadnyk, Geography, in National Post

Alberta’s drought shaping up to be ‘worse than we saw in the 1920s, 1930s’

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In the News: Lindsay Amundsen-Meyer, Anthropology and Archaeology, in CTV News

U of C students, staff partner with city to unearth ancient Indigenous belongings at Nose Hill Park

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In the News: Lindsay Amundsen-Meyer, Anthropology and Archaeology, in CBC News

Archaeological excavation at Calgary park reveals ancient Blackfoot artifacts

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In the News: Tricia Stadnyk, Geography, in City News

Calgary drought status downgraded after rainy, cool stretch

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in CTV News

Trevor Tombe Discusses April's Inflation Numbers

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In the News: Shelley Alexander, Geography, in Narwhal

It’s not that animals are coming into the city. It’s that the city is coming to them

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in Winnipeg Free Press

Interprovincial trade barriers weigh down GDP, boost freight costs

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In the News: Lisa Young and colleagues writing in The Conversation Canada

Arts graduate education in Canada should be redesigned around students’ and society’s needs

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