Faculty of Arts News

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In the News: Trevor Tombe, Economics, in CTV News

The $34B Trans Mountain pipeline expansion has begun operating

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In the News: Christopher Bruce writing in The Conversation Canada

Lessons from COVID-19: Preparing for future pandemics means looking beyond the health data

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In the News: Charles Tepperman, Communication, Media and Film, in Toronto Star

Doc films turn to celeb producers like Chopra Jonas and Page for star power, guidance

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In the News: Rebecca Barry, Psychology, in Medscape

Most Homeless People Have Mental Health Disorders

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In the News: Lisa Young, Political Science, in CTV News

'So damn undemocratic': Edmonton mayor reacts to legislation granting province power to fire councillors or veto local bylaws

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In the News: Kate Hanly, Geography, in CBC

Century of climbers' notes from alpine shelter offer glimpse of changing peaks

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In the News: Kate Hanly, Geography, in CBC.ca

Following the signs

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