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In the News: The Canadian Historical Review

McLean, Scott (2020). Beyond Neglect: Building Colonial Rule in the Kitikmeot, 1916 – 1952. Canadian Historical Review, 101 (1) 49-75.

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In the News: The American Journal of Gastroenterology

Incidence of Celiac Disease Is Increasing Over Time: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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In the News: Sage Journals

Perry, G., Brannigan, A., Wanner, R. A., & Stam, H. (2019). Credibility and Incredulity in Milgram’s Obedience Experiments: A Reanalysis of an Unpublished Test. Social Psychology Quarterly.

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In the News: BMJ Open

Wallace, Jean (2019). “Meaningful work and well-being: a study of the positive side of veterinary work.” Veterinary Record.

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In the News:

McLean, S. and L. Montes de Oca (2019). Entender la Autoayuda. Claves Interdisciplinarias para Analizar una Práctica Cultural en Expansión (Understanding Self-Help: Interdisciplinary Keys for Analyzing a Growing Cultural Practice). Revista Interdiscipli

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In the News: Sage Journals

McLean, S. and L. Vermeylen (2019). From Getting Ahead to Getting Back on One’s Feet: Performing Masculinity as a Self-Help Reader. Men & Masculinities, 22 (4) 716-737.

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